Tiller the Swimming Cat

It’s with a heavy heart I bid my farewell for now. I’ll hopefully be back in November when The Cap’n and The Mariner return for more adventures on the boat with me. A big THANK YOU for joining me on my adventures at sea – from my rescue as a tiny starving kitten, to meeting new friends, to having big adventures – it’s been lovely having you along for the ride.

Before I leave, I’d just like to share with you what I consider to be my finest moment, when a carefully positioned beach towel solved a problem that had long been bugging us. (It was filmed before they realised I was a boy, so just ignore the ‘good girl’ comments.)

So, bye for now, I hope you will all keep following so you’ll know when we’re back ‘on air’.  Tiller xx

About Tiller's Tale

I was abandoned as a tiny kitten in Curacao, rescued by The Cap'n and The Mariner, and now live on their boat, sharing their adventures.
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14 Responses to Tiller the Swimming Cat

  1. Brilliant! See you later, Tiller. 🙂

  2. Byeee….thanks for following and for all the comments…. x

  3. woodandrope says:

    Fab video 🙂 look after yourself little fella =^.^= we will miss you x

  4. Whee are missing you already! Pwease come back soon and feel free comment on our blog whenever you can so whee can stay in touch.

    Hugs and Piggy Kisses
    Your Cavy Friends

    Nibbles, Nutty, Bingo & Buddy

  5. Gigi Galore says:

    That is AMAZING! omg! Wonderful! 🙂 The colour of the water is divine! Lovely!

  6. We are most sad to have just found you when you go into temporary retirement. Oliver at Woodandrope told us all about you. The video of your swim and climb is SO impressive – what is it with humans not getting it right with the boy/girl thing?

    • Thankyou so much – I’m quite proud of my swimming and climbing! It’s so nice of Oliver to have told you about my adventures. Re the boy/girl thing, honestly, why don’t they just KNOW?!!

  7. woodandrope says:

    Hi there, have you heard of Tiller since you left?

    • Well, as you might guess from the lack of posts, things didn’t go to plan. The Cap’n and The Mariner returned to Guatemala in December to find the owner of the hotel had GIVEN TILLER AWAY to a neighbouring farm. He’d apparently changed his mind about looking after Tiller despite claims of being a cat-lover and being paid for Tiller’s upkeep and food. The Cap’n and The Mariner went straight over to the farm on their return, to find the owners had gone away for Christmas and no sign of Tiller anywhere. The farm owners are animal-loving people who care for waifs and strays, so its not like they disappeared intentionally, they just weren’t part of the initial agreement. So Christmas ’12 was frantic and very sad for The Cap’n and The Mariner – they put up reward posters and searched a wide area for weeks – but there was no sign of Tiller, so, with heavy hearts, they eventually had to give up and sail on.
      They kept in touch with the farm owners, who kept a look out for Tiller. The good news is that Tiller was once spotted by one of the farm-hands, who was able to cuddle him, so he’s still hanging around the area – no doubt keeping an eye open for the food they leave out! So we’re relieved to know he’s still around, and fending for himself very well, having *gone Tigger*. We try to be philosophical – The Cap’n and The Mariner found Tiller in a bad state, fed him, mended him, taught him some life skills (swimming!) and set him on his way to live in what was his original natural habitat. But we miss him dreadfully 😦

      • How very sad. Rather awful of the hotel owner 😦 Good news on the sighting though – if Tiller is coming back for food, you’ve got every chance of finding him again.

      • Yes, we’re not big fans of the hotel owner 😦 But we’re happy he’s been sighted around the farm as the owner is a lovely lady who cares about animals and she’s looking out for him too. Thanks for your concern.

    • Hi Jo, hope Oliver is OK and not missing Tiller too much!

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